This training program will help students promote an inclusive and welcoming campus environment, as well as provide personal development opportunities and encourage the ongoing pursuit of multicultural life skills development.

Facilitators will discuss various cultural identities that students may encounter during their time at Lafayette College.

When are the Multicultural Competency Trainings held?

Multicultural Competency Trainings areĀ held twice during the academic year, once during the summer break and once during the winter break. Students will review materials on their own and meet with the training group to discuss and ask questions.

What topics are covered?

The programs tackles difficult issues students may face through their College tenure. The framework is based on the Big 8 Identitiesā€”race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, religion/spirituality, nationality, and socioeconomic status.

Year 1
  • Implicit biases and microaggressions
  • Empathy vs. sympathy
  • Conflict and power
  • Allyship and accomplices
Year 2
  • Imposter syndrome
  • Gaslighting
  • Environmental justice
  • Beyond the gender binary
  • Action beyond allyship approaches to systemic change-making
Year 3
  • Fostering a community with an intersectional lens
  • Developing an Inclusive Action Plans
  • Unpacking Generational Differences
  • What are accessibility strategies.